Ready for our close-up
June 21–27 is National Week of Making, which celebrates the creativity, ingenuity and innovation of makers of every stripe, and across the many industries in which our parts play a starring role: aerospace, defense, medical, among many others.
You likely already know us for our reliability and mobility in modes of transportation: airplanes, trains, ATVs and the like. But did you know that Vlier’s spring loaded devices, glides and levelers are used to provide stability in common film industry equipment? Your favorite rom com scene, where the girl meets the boy in an awkward collision, couldn’t have happened without the tripod holding the camera steady. Or that moment when the wisecracking action hero finally conquers the world-imperiling villain? Our components hold the boom together to help him deliver his sarcastic and iconic line.
We’re everywhere you look, even when you don’t
Vlier’s innovative and fundamental components help build and maintain products from an impressive array of industries like telecommunications, consumer electronics and industrial and machining.
Every day, you encounter the inventions we help make. Place a mobile call and your signal might connect with a satellite tower containing one of our products. Crank your car’s AC on a hot summer day and a Vlier component helps you cool off.
But we do it right—so that you never know we’re there. Our obsessive quality control makes products that quietly get the job done, every single time.
With great power comes great spring loaded devices
So here’s to the world’s great makers, this week and every week. We’ll help you make your next great thing.
Are you a maker with a world-changing idea? Have a brand-new product needing a brand-new part? Our Application Engineering staff can create a Vlier “special” specifically engineered to meet your needs.
And when the work is done and it’s time to kick back and binge your favorite show? We’ll be there to help capture and deliver the dragons, nurses, detectives and zombies right into your living room.